

The unopinionated Rollup-as-a-Service platform for Rollup Legos and the Modular Appchain thesis.

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Whether you need one or many local devnets, private testnets, or production mainnets, Monea makes it easy to develop, test, iterate, and deploy rollups with limitless configurations. We call this concept, Rollup Legos. (🥐,🧱) (p.s. 🥐🧱 === “rollup legos”, a.k.a. bread roll and lego bricks)

1. Developing

Devtools already exists for smart contract devs, protocol engineers, dApp and MEV bot devs, and more. Monea is the devtool for the new emerging class of web3 developers: appchain devs. Difficult tasks like spinning up local rollup instances, customizing their policies, predeploys, and precompiles, and tinkering with different rollup layers are finally made easy with the core of the Monea platform.

2. Testing

Onchain analytics, client performance metrics, and rollup AB testing are underdeveloped testing tools. With the rise of appchains, developers must make informed decisions on the best framework, DA layer, and settlement layer for their rollup. Monea is the first rollup test suite empowering informed decisions for teams’ rollups and appchains. No more blindly listening to modularity marketing.

3. Iterating

Monea introduces the concept of Rollup Legos. Akin to “money legos” in DeFi, appchain devs and chain operator teams can plug-and-play with infinite rollup stack configurations. Migrating data availability layers and changing sequencers mid-flight with zero downtime has never been easier.

4. Deploying

Spinning up a local rollup devnet instance without Monea is difficult enough; deploying it to AWS or GCP securely is far more difficult. Monea Cloud offers managed hosting and infrastructure for production-grade blockchains. Deploy your rollups in one click or CLI command and never worry about scalability for your hyped project launches.

Monea CLI

We’re currently building the Monea Engine and CLI. It’s an absolutely messy work-in-progress at the moment, but we’re getting it right, and fast. Here’s a little peek into the future of Monea Appchain devtools:

  • To spin up a local and default Polygon zkEVM L2 devnet:
$ monea run \
     --execution polygon-cdk
  • To deploy a public optimium L3 testnet with Celestia data availability on Monea Cloud:
  • $ monea deploy \
       --execution op-stack \
       --data-availability celestia \
       --settlement base
  • To create 2 template setups and run each locally at the same time:
# create an OP Stack template named `my-first-l2`
$ monea templates new --name my-first-l2 --execution op-stack --sequencer espresso

# create a based validium template named `cool-based-rollup`
$ monea templates new --name cool-based-rollup --execution polygon-cdk --sequencer based

# run both rollups at once on your local machine
$ monea run my-first-l2 cool-based-rollup

Rollup Legos

Monea is the RaaS embracing Rollup Legos to empower the Modular Appchain Thesis.
Monea is the RaaS embracing Rollup Legos to empower the Modular Appchain Thesis.

Web3 is scaling, and it's scaling fast. The future of Ethereum—and all of crypto—depends on a seismic shift to rollups. Every rollup is unique; Monea is the unopinionated platform that supports them all. Which is why we’re employing our core rollup philosophy into our entire platform: Rollup legos 🥐🧱.

Whether they leverage sovereign architectures or minimal app-specific setups, we offer state-of-the-art modular developer tooling and cloud infrastructure to empower every rollup configuration and philosophy.

And by the way, we're zeroing in on critical yet underserved technologies like Based Rollups, Based Sequencing, and making sure they’re compatible with Rollup Legos.

If you’d like to learn more about our Rollup Legos philosophy, and/or learn more about what people are saying about the future of rollups, check out the below pages. 🫡

Regardless of where teams sit on crypto’s philosophical spectrum, Monea is the unopinionated platform for every rollup.

Connect With Us

We’re actively looking for partners and would love to collab. Follow us and feel free to reach out if you want to partner with Monea!


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Connect With Us

👨‍🚀 Jacob D. Castro – CEO

👨‍💻 Austin Fleming – CTO
